Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Cool Mom at the Bus Stop

Aimee Fritz won the “cool mom” award when she showed up with her daughter Greta at the bus stop before school, wearing a Chicken Costume. She was dressed like a chicken from head to toe. Then, after she got her daughter Greta on the bus, she began her dance. She danced her chicken jig while the bus drove off. Little Greta and all her friends got some really sweet entertainment, probably a laugh or two, and a lesson in caring.

Aimee was new to the community; Her little girl was making new friends. This is the last thing a new kid needs her mom to do in front of her daughter and a full bus of kids! Why would she do this, and how on earth does this earn her the "cool mom" award? Well, it was all for a good cause: Aimee had a vision to raise support for Haiti Partners. The kids in Haiti were going back to school and needed money for supplies, and funding of scholarships, so she danced. The great thing is that people responded to her dance. Big bucks came in! 
I love it.

Mother Theresa once said, “Get out there and give real help! Get out there and love! Get out there and testify! Get out there and create whatever you can do to inspire people...This is what has to be done now. There is no time for dallying.”

Aimee’s little dance raised $10,500 for a great cause! Just one dance, videoed, and shared online. Haiti Partners has 1,053 elementary students on scholarship. That is 1,053 kids preparing for a great future. What a unique way to improve lives globally. I have never heard of a mother dancing at a bus stop, until now. As of writing this, Aimee and Greta are in Haiti visiting Haiti Partners. I venture to say that they will receive a very warm welcome when they get there.

I first met Aimee in college and am thankful for the difference that she has made through her daring dancing. It inspires me to recognize the big difference that one person can make. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "We find in life exactly what we put into it." I think Aimee has found something pretty special, and I hope you do, too.

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