Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Honolulu Happy

In my former, first, and most famous blog, I shared that I love Hawaii. It was so well received that all 7 of its readers bought tickets and are now there! Clearly, this is an effective blog. It is really hard to know what to write about after that. Although, since that blog, I have been chit-chatting a bit about Hawaii with friends. Those that know me well know that those Islands make me smile. Oh yes, what a great thing to talk about over the last week! It helps that a handful of my friends were actually in Hawaii showing pictures through Facebook and text messages.

The theme continues as this past week has brought some new Hawaii thoughts to mind. How cool is that! 

As a true Washingtonian, I almost started to question my heart for my beloved Hawaii.

Why do I long for it? Looking back and reflecting, it all started in the middle of a really cold winter in Salt Lake City. The snow was deep and only the brave ventured outside. Naturally, I put a tropical magazine picture of a sandy beach on the wall in my bathroom.

Walking by it, bathing kids, and so on – time and time again – I would see it, and it made me smile. I could smell the tropical flowers, feel the surf around me, and taste the shaved ice. Just like James Taylor was “going to Carolina in his mind,” I was “going to Hawaii in my mind.” Oh yeah, baby! 

Later came another tropical intervention when my “I want to go to Hawaii” parenting power began. Whenever my kids were desperate for something that they couldn’t have I had a quick response (still do). They would say something fussy and negative like, “I don’t want that chicken and rice for dinner; I want a hot dog!”

Lucidly and tranquilly, I would respond to the little one’s demands and say calmly, “I want to go to Hawaii.”

I joined them in their time of suffering. We both wanted something that we couldn’t have at that moment. They wanted a hot dog and I wanted Hawaii. This parenting power enabled me to sit beside them wanting something that I couldn’t have at that time and teach them the deep truth of delayed gratification.

Although, they are seeing that some gratification is overwhelmingly and exceedingly delayed because it has been 17 years since my feet touched the Island sand – but who’s counting!?!

So all of the Hawaii chit-chatting has been fun for this true Washingtonian. It has added clarity to all that is chic Hawaii. Oddly enough, my husband Brian and I watched a show last weekend called “Hawaii Life.” This HGTV show follows people who are moving from far away places, such as Delaware or Canada, and shows them buying their Hawaiian dream home. Hey, it is good to see people living their dreams, right? Gotta love that. Although, I must say that miles away I am living my best Hawaii. Contented as a clam: knowing that I can have it if I really want it - but that it is only for holly jolly days to come, if they come.

There is something good about wanting and waiting.

There is something amazing about the picture on that old bathroom wall in that frozen winter.

So, it seems, my love for Hawaii finds space once again on this blog. Maybe I will be able to move on next time, we will see. Aloha!

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