Friday, December 30, 2016


Looking back at 2016 so many great things come to mind. There are so many things to celebrate in 2016 when I stop to think about it.

Let’s pause for a moment and grab a Starbucks Tuxedo New Year’s Latte and celebrate 2016 together begwen blog style:

* The Cubs won the World Series! This happened for the first time in 100 years!

* Global carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels did not grow in 2016. We are making progress in our environmental stewardship!

* The American Ballet Theater continues to be an example for America as Misty Copeland continues to shine as a Principal Dancer. She is the first African American to be given that rank in a major ballet company. 

The impact of Misty’s role will continue to transform the sport and art of ballet to include artists and athletes of all races.

* I get so caught up in the negative effects of climate change but there have been some great strides this past year including the Humpback Whale being taken off the endangered species list. After writing a blog about the death of a juvenile humpback during the summer this is great news! Also, manatees are so precious; it is awesome to share that the global manatee population is no longer endangered.

* The Olympics were amazing! Simone Biles’ performances were truly beyond words. She blew the competition away and her athleticism and skill was stunning. In the pool, it was great that Michael Phelps pulled it off yet again. Also, Simone Manuel was the first African American swimmer to win a gold medal (100m freestyle), whoot!

* The battle against malaria is still raging. More and more people in Africa are sleeping under mosquito nets. Way to go Gates Foundation for the progress on this! I found out this year at the Gates Foundation Visitor Center that the mosquito is the world’s deadliest animal – so “bug off” mosquitos in 2017. It is hard to believe that such a small animal is so deadly. Grateful for progress!
* There were a few new ice cream flavors to make us happy in 2016. The “Cookie Two Step” by Blue Bell, which has cookie dough (in spite of warnings from the FDA about uncooked dough) and the “Empower Mint” by Ben and Jerry’s for those mint lovers out there.

* On a personal note in the begwen family: We improved in our remote control drone flying skills, we laughed, we saw some memorable shows, we celebrated a great wedding anniversary, we cheered each other on, grew, prayed, learned a few things, worshipped, hiked, skied, tried to stay healthy, and played.

Looking forward, I can’t wait for the many celebrations and victories of 2017. Let's be "impatient optimists" (Bill Gates Foundation) as we see 2017 unfold. There are great possibilities this coming year for our personal lives, country and world.

So Happy New Year to you! Thanks for sharing this Starbucks Tuxedo New Years Latte with me as we ring in all that awaits us in 2017!!!

May 2017 be better, beautifier, braver, and brighter than you can dream. May your life in 2017 truly be blessed!

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