Summer has arrived!!!!!!
High ho, high ho, it's off to camp we go...
I recently got to experience Island Lake camp for a couple of days with my family. What a great way to start summer. Life
can’t be better when it is structured by meals cooked by someone else, fun-loving energetic college students playing with the kids, and amazing
free-time activities like waterslides and skate parks. Now, that is a taste of
pure happiness. At camp kids are able to completely enter a new world.
Cell phones are left home. Video games are off. (And much to the kids’
surprise, they still live!) Relationships are put on “pause.” Kids explore the
great outdoors and try new things and make new friends.
At camp, kids wake up to a hot breakfast with bacon, eggs,
sausage, and pancakes waiting for them in the dining hall. They are raring to
go! After breakfast, they go outside with their cabins and play games. These
are not your normal playground games. Rather, they are goof-off, be silly, and
get wet in gross, slippery, fun games. They are games that get them running
through fields and over bridges. The kids play team games that build up their
cabins and create instant camaraderie.
After lunch, the cabins have adventure time!
In case you are interested, the
campers stretch their abilities and learn some new stuff on ropes courses, motorcycles, rock climbing,
skate boarding, and the infamous camp skill - "archery" - very very useful life skill:)
kids get challenged, stretched, and learn to push their boundaries – all in a
safe environment as the camp staff support and teach the kids skills. (They really
picked the kids up when they fell and cheered them on to victory.)
Riding motorcycles at camp will likely be one of the biggest highlights of my summer.
time leads to free-time where kids will go bouldering, swimming, get blobbed (see above water picture) or paddling in
a canoe. Then the dinner bell rings and they walk to the dining hall for another
delicious meal prepared for them by someone other than their parents. You might not want every detail - but I thought that it might be fun for you to get the over-all layout.

After dinner the kids play more group games and sit down for
another positive message. Chatting about the message afterwards in their cabins is fun. You
would think that that would be the end, right. Time for bed? Not today. The campers return to
the mess hall for ice cream and a goofy dance time. Now, finally, everyone is off
to bed.
Maybe that is too many details but the truth of the matter is: The life of a camper is so good. A perfect combination
of nature, inspiration, laughter, friendship, and adventure brings out the kid and builds confidence. Sure, campers miss mom, dad, and their Xbox but not all that much, because life at camp is great!
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