The other day I thought I was going skiing with the family
but the Steven’s Pass parking lot was full - now what? Not knowing what to do, I dropped
the family off and drove down to the Nordic center for my own
adventure – the parking necessitated a “divide and conquer” kind of day, and my man is the ski instructor and best ski-parent around.
I had no idea what to expect
when I got to the Nordic Center. My snowshoes and snow crampons were tucked
away on the shelf happily at home to boot. Fortunately, I had my hearty Keen winter
boots on my feet. They seemed fine enough to me, after all.

My boots tracked better than I could have hoped for. It was a challenging workout going up a mountain. I hiked about three hours round trip and saw some really spectacular views and enjoyed the quiet. The constant noise
of my life was nowhere to be found out there. Clearly, just me and the snow-covered hill made for a great day.

It was delightful,
beautiful, and not too eventful.
Though it all, I learned that when life gives me lemons, to make lemonade (or go climb a mountain).
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