Sunday, October 25, 2015

Parenting is...

Happy Soccer Mom

I have the opportunity to break down the humungous job description that we parents have been given! Awesome!
It is just huge. With constant love, parents work hard to raise up our preciously sweet and uniquely praiseworthy kids:) 
Here are some highlights:

*Believing for the best. Looking forward to days when the best is achievable for your precious one and progress is certain. Anticipating that they will fulfill their maximum potential in life.

*Being crazy about your kid. Wacko! Yes, totally into everything “them.”

*Not freaking-out, whenever possible. That includes the lost netbook, flash drives, and cell phone (and that’s just this last week).

*Pursuing opportunities for growth: music lessons, tutors, clubs, classes, friendships, sports, serving others, faith mentors (aka church for me), and developing compassion to provide fodder for inner-kid development. Yes, driving to all of these things is the burden we bear. 

*Keeping family pets alive and healthy as much as possible. 

*Understanding the inner kid. Keeping the outer kid clean.

*Problem solving when things aren’t going right. Possibly making a U-Turn or building a bridge. Maybe pushing delete or saying "I'm sorry."

*Laughing a blue streak privately after you punish the child for negative but cute behavior. Or crying buckets when it is hard to believe that your child messed up like that.

*If you are married: Trying to develop that relationship and maybe bless your spouse’s socks off.

*Celebrating everything: soccer goals, friendships, grace extended, lessons learned, good effort, and bravery.

*Being the Head Cheerleader in your child’s life - Moms!

*Being the Biggest Fan ever – Dads!

Parents getting pictures of their cuties!!!
*Seeing the big picture. Advocating. Making way for the big things to emerge in your child’s life. Praying for God to raise your kid up.

*Leaving a legacy of faith, hope, and love in the midst of lacrosse practice, the laundry, barf, diapers, work, and the pot roast in the oven!

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