Monday, September 21, 2015

The Washington State Fair: Do The Puyallup

What do hot tubs and alpacas have in common? How about kids riding sheep and a man on stilts? Big Brown Cows and High School art? Roller Coasters and Baby Chicks? They may seem like strange parings but it all fits together nicely, with a bow on top, at the Puyallup Fair. I am reminded, “You can do it at a trot. You can do it at a gallup. You can do it real-slow so your heart don’t palpitate. Just don’t be late…Do The Puyallup.” I have this jingle etched in my memory from TV ads when I was a kid. All said, the Puyallup Fair is great.

For starts, we saw the coolest Horse Driving Exhibition. Teams of Clydesdales and other large horses trotted around the arena pulling a couple people on their wagons. I was so impressed to see the Custer Family Clydesdales, in particular. They were from Ferndale, WA and their horses had such class, speed, and skill. A group of six Shetland Ponies from Lil Britches Pony Farm flew by with their wagon. They were only 38 to 40 inches high but drove with amazing speed and energy. At this point, I was fantasizing about moving out to the country and driving horse teams. Horse driving is much better than hectic city life, right? I’m lovin’ it!

The next major destination (for our family, anyway) at the fair was the 4-H bunny building. Bunnies are so cute! I am so thankful that they can’t sell bunnies at events like this because we have a cage that holds two bunnies but we have only one in it, so it would have been very easy to break down and add cuteness to the bunny hutch. All of the bunnies there were champions at their local county fairs. So it was a best-in-breed event!

Mutton Bustin’, anyone? Parents put their 4-7 year old kids on sheep and then when the sheep is let out of the gate, the kids hang on for dear life! They’re like little miniature bull riders, laying down on the back of the sheep…or the side, or even underneath! So unique, one more reason to love the fair!

The rides seem to be everyone’s favorite at the fair. The fear, stomach churning, and speed of it all is so fun; but in my opinion they hold no candle to the Fisher Scones. I stood in line for half an hour to get the prize. With every bite, they melt. Like a homing pigeon, I find Fisher locations to make my scone purchase. They are worth the wait and are definitely my happy fair food.

Like little magnets, the Hot Tub sales tents drew me in. The water was so inviting. The possibilities were endless. Clearly, I could live the Hawaii resort lifestyle in my own backyard. The hot tubs were located next to the tiny houses so I was able to see some of those HGTV McMansionettes in person. Anything seems big when there is no furniture or people in it – no stuff or food. Maybe we will live in a Tiny House in the country someday, with a hot tub, and with loads of best-in-show bunnies! My Clydesdale horse cart will be out back. Oh That Fair…

After voting on our favorite High School art, eating pulled pork and monster fries, my fit bit reaching 26,000 steps, and viewing the 4-H sewing we went to the Fair Concert Series Show: Tobymac and Chris Tomlin, baby! Wahoo!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the Puyallup is still the Puyallup and your kids now get to join the celebration, right in our own back yard. Great story.
