Not to be a pessimist, but here are so many bad times to get outside in the great Northwest. So often when I want to go out, I just don’t. When the sky parts and the sun comes out, it is hard to argue and come up with an excuse.
Today was the best!
The perfect day was upon me and I headed up the steps of Queen Anne to check out the city. As I walked I was able to see so many cool things. I found new parks. Birds. Craftsman homes. I was able to process some things and spend some time in prayer. The commotion of life was swept up by the cadence of my steps.
So how do you get out? A walk, run, jog or class? As the year has settled in I have been running with my daughter and heading out for a few walks. I have a few places that I really love to go. As I shared, today I went to one of them. I know that you too live a little in these winter months. When the sky clears up, sometimes you just have to walk outside. Enjoy!!!! 😊